Publishing: online vs. in your hands

Well, 2023 is off to a good publishing start. My new short story, Night Drifting, is featured in the latest edition of Variant Literature magazine. Working with the editors there was a pleasure! Meanwhile, Cathy’s new story, The Marx Hotel, is out in Drunk Monkeys magazine. We’re both tickled to be getting our new work out there.

Both of these literary magazines are online publications, though Variant Lit also has a book publishing arm. Online publication has some nice perks. Stories are easy to share, to promote, and to post on other platforms. They also tend to be free to readers, for the most part.

Cath and I have published both ways, and I can’t say that I have a clear favorite. How about you? Do you prefer to click and read or hold your story in your hands?

Let us know! And keep writing, friends. It could be your best year yet.

